Vote For Those That No Longer Can

I will readily admit that the current state of our democracy is far from perfect and our government certainly has its share of issues, but there is still no better system in the world that exists today. In order for our system to properly function and improve over time, it is imperative that we not only exercise our political voices but also take action. That action can be in the form of an individual running for local or national office, working for a politician or campaign, or at the very least, VOTING! By voting, we have the power to influence and decide the future, and deliberately effect change.

As you go to the polls, be encouraged and excited by the long lines. That my friends, is democracy in action. Other generations were asked to fight for our freedom and risk their lives for our independence.

Today, we are simply asked to go out once a year and VOTE.

So the call to arms this year is to relish your time in the long lines. Thank those working the poll stations to help us keep democracy alive. Use this time to reflect on the power of the people. Be in awe that over the next week, millions of Americans will safely go to the polls and fulfill their rights and obligations as US citizens, by casting a vote for a candidate but by casting a vote for democracy and freedom!

